table of contents j.s.r.i. no. 6 winter 2003


Mihaela Frunza
Feminismul ca/si ideologie
Feminism as/and Ideology - 4

Diana Cotrau
Linguistic Encoding Of Youth Ideology
By The Romanian Teen Magazines For Girls -29

Raluca Maria Popa
The Socialist Project for Gender (In)Equality: A Critical Discussion - 49

Theodora-Eliza Vacarescu
A Defense of the Late Nineteenth Century White
Suffrage Activists of Australia, New Zealand and Colorado - 73

Halleh Ghorashi
From Marxist Organizations to Feminism
Iranian Women’s Experiences of Revolution and Exile - 89


Mihai Lucaciu
Argument. Why Should We Study Everyday Lives of Catholic Women. - 108

Stefania Mihalache
Socialismul si camuflarea de gen
Socialism and gender camouflage - 117

Alina Isac, Mihai Albu
Dimensiunea feminina a ecumenismului
The Feminine Dimension of the Ecumenism - 132

Emil Moise
Interpretarea Bibliei, sursa a discriminarilor în practica religioasa
O analiza de gen a trei dintre practicile religioase crestine din Romania
Interpretation of Bible, source of discriminations in religious practice.
A gender analysis of three Christian practices from Romania - 149

S.C.I.R.I. Conferences

Mihaela Mudure
Printre feminisme
Among Feminisms - 165


Ion Cordoneanu
Sex si ideologie
Sex and Ideology - 179

Book Reviews

Sandu Frunza
Simona Nicoara
Natiunea moderna. Mituri, simboluri, ideologii
(Modern Nation. Myths, Symbols, Ideologies)
- 188

Bumbas-Voroviov Aurel-Daniel
Marta Petreu
Ionescu în tara tatalui
(Ionescu in Father's Land)
Marie-France Ionesco
Portretul scriitorului în secol. Eugene Ionesco 1909-1994
(Portrait of the Writer in His Century. Eugene Ionesco 1909-1994)
- 191

Iulia Iuga
Catherine Clement, Julia Kristeva
Femeia si sacrul
(The Woman and the Sacred) - 198

Ioana-Roxana Havrici
Sandu Frunza
Religious Fundamentalism and the New Conflict of Ideologies - 200

Gabriel Leanca
Tony Judt
Povara responsabilitatii. Blum, Camus, Aron si secolul XX francez
(The Burden of Responsibility. Blum, Camus, Aron and the French 20th Century) - 203

Raluca Ciurcanu
Zygmunt Bauman
Globalizarea si efectele ei sociale
(Globalization) - 208

Ovidiu Podar
Ioan Chirila
Cartea profetului Osea – Breviarum al gnoseologiei Vechiului Testament
(The Book of Osea - Breviarum of Old Testament Gnoseology) - 210

Michael Jones
Paul Mojzes and Walter Sawatsky, eds.
Religion in Eastern Europe - 213

Marius Jucan
Mihaela Frunza, ed.
Faces of tolerance - 216