Vol 7, No 19 (2008)

JSRI Volume 7 Issue 19 Spring 2008

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Religious Studies and Ideologies

Table of Contents

Studies and Articles

Inexprimabilul: cu Elie Wiesel despre filosofie si teologie/ The Unspeakable: With Elie Wiesel on Philosophy and Theology Untitled
Sandu Frunza 3-29
Identity Under (Re)construction: The Jewish Community from Transylvania before and after the Second World War Untitled
Codruta Cuceu 30-42
On the Social and Existential Meaning of Jewish Mysticism Today: Pitfalls and Potential Untitled
Yonatan Glaser, Yehuda Bar Shalom 43-57
The Political and the Hypostases of the Human. Towards a Recognition Culture Untitled
Anton Carpinschi 58-93
To Be Thoughtful of the Other Untitled
Veress Karoly 94-106
Francois Bernier si Brahmanii: Un obstacol in calea conversatiei inter-culturale/ Francois Bernier and the Brahmans: Exposing an Obstacle to Cross-cultural Conversation Untitled
Robert Bernasconi 107-117
Are Dialogues Antidotes to Violence? Two Recent Examples from Hinduism Studies Untitled
S.N. Balagangadhara, Sarah Claerhout 118-143
Christian Theology and Racist Ideology: A Case Study of Nazi Theology and Apartheid Theology Untitled
Nico Vorster 144-161
Academic Freedom and Religiously Affiliated Universities Untitled
Liviu Andreescu 162-183
Considerations on Some Historical and Contemporary Issues in Lucian Blaga's Metaphysics Untitled
Ionut Isac 184-202
Citeva corelatii medico-istorice, embriologice si teologice referitoare la coborirea mintii in inima/ Some Medico-Historical, Embryological and Theological Correlations Concerning "Bringing the Mind Down Into the Heart" Untitled
Cristian Birsu, Marina Birsu 203-225
O interpretare moderna a vointei umane a Fiului lui Dumnezeu intrupat la Sfintul Maxim Marturisitorul si Parintii anteriori/ A Modern Interpretation of the Human Will of the Son of God Become Man in the Theology of Saint Maximus Confessor Untitled
Vasile Cristescu 226-245


Marius Jucan, Mastile libertatii: America in scrisorile lui Thomas Jefferson/ Freedom's Masks: America Seen Through the Letters of Thomas Jefferson Untitled
Sergiu Miscoiu 246-248
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Cosmopolitism. Etica intr-o lume a strainilor/ Cosmopolitanism. Ethics in a World of Strangers Untitled
Mihaela Frunza 249-252
Leon Volovici, De la Iasi la Ierusalim si inapoi/ From Iasi to Jerusalem and Back Untitled
Catalin Vasile Bobb 253-254
Michael Zank, New Perspectives on Martin Buber Untitled
Iulia Grad 255-259

ISSN: 1583-0039