
Topics for 2020


Topic: Religious Spirituality and Personal Development in the XXIst century.

Deadline: March 1st, 2020.


Topic: Connections between Religion, Ecology and Environmental Ethics in the 21st century

Deadline:  August 1st, 2020

For this issue, the editors are particularly interested in the following sub-topics:

- Ecofeminist Theology on Earth Healing and Environmental Well-being 

- The Role of Religions in the Environmental Crisis: Religious and Secular Responses 

- The Philosophy of Ecology and Religion in the Face of the Environmental Crisis 

- The Religious Attitudes in Environmental Thought and Practice 

- Ecological Spirituality and Environmental Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Perspective 

- Food, Spirituality and the Paradox of Life and Death 


Topic: Politics with/out religion. New trends and challenges at the beginning of the XXIst century

Deadline: October 1st, 2020.

For this issue, the editors are particularly interested in the following sub-topics:

- The separation of religion and politics in government;

-The separation of state and church, the autonomy of the church;

- The consequences of using religion in electoral campaigns;

- Challenges of religious fundamentalism at the beginning of the XXIst century;

- The ideological challenges of religious pluralism and multiculturalism for globalized societies;

- New forms of sacred in the populist discourse of the XXIst century.




Schedule of Publication

From 2002 through 2007, JSRI appeared on April 30th, August 30th and December 30th. Beginning in 2008, JSRI appears on the following dates: February 25th June 25th November 25th  
Posted: 2010-08-07
1 - 1 of 1 Items

ISSN: 1583-0039